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Health Benefits of Carrots
Monday 13 April 2020 / Activity News

Nutritional Value of Carrot Carrot provides 40 calories for 100 gram of its consumption. Carrot is a rich source of beta-carotene because of which it gets its orange colour. Carrots contains dietary fibre, vitamin-A, antioxidants and minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorous. Health Benefits of Carrot – Improves Eyesight We all know vitamin-A helps in improving the eyesight and carrot is one of the major sources of vitamin-A. Lack of vitamin-A can damag... >> Read more

Drinking water before meals helps dieting, says study
Wednesday 08 April 2020 / Activity News

        Drinking water before meals can help people to lose weight, says a US study. Water contains no calories and drinking it makes us feel full. Scientists from Virginia found that slimmers can lose an average of 5 lb extra if they drink two glasses of water three times a day before meals. The researchers presented their findings at the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston.               They tested the theory on 48 older ... >> Read more

Reminders working age risk of illness.
Tuesday 07 April 2020 / Activity News

Ministry of Public Health care working age health because living in buildings with poor air quality. Risk of inhaling dust, toner and volatile organic compounds, risk of sick building syndrome. Suggest tightening control the copier user to wear a procedure mask to protect themselves. Clinical Professor emeritus MD. Piyasakon Sakonsattayatorn a Minister of ministry of Public Health revealed that most people spend more time inside homes, offices and hotels. This making it vulnerable to air quality proble... >> Read more

Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna offer the robes and contribute the 6th Anurakthinthai novice ordination 2020
Sunday 29 March 2020 / Arts/Cultural

On March 1st 2020 at Sala Rajamongkol, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna. Assoc.Prof Seensiri Sangajit, the chancellor of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna with the personnel offer the robes and contribute the 6th Anurakthinthai novice ordination 2020 of Tham Klaep Temple, Ping Khong, Chiang Dao, Chiang Mai. The robs offering ceremony was honored by monk Audom Sudhammo, the abbot of Tham Klaep Temple to give a sermon.   Photo: Miss Uraiporn Do... >> Read more

Personnel of The Cultural Studies Center was a representative to attends the 1st committee meeting for the Higher Education Arts and Cultural Event 2020
Sunday 29 March 2020 / Arts/Cultural

On February 25th,2020 at Prof. Prasert Na Nakhon Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Office of the Higher Education Commission, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, Bangkok. Miss Rotjana Rachaya, Educator Professional Level was a representative of RMUTL to attends the 1st committee meeting for the Higher Education Arts and Cultural Event 2020. The meeting agenda were consisting of summarizing the overall operation of the 19th Higher Education Arts and Cultural... >> Read more

The Cultural Studies Center held the meeting to create the brooch and medal of 15th RMUTL celebration
Sunday 29 March 2020 / Arts/Cultural

On January 21st, 2020 at Hirunyikka meeting room, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna. The Cultural Studies Center held the meeting with the involved department to draw up a brooch and medal  for celebrate the 15th RMUTL. The meeting’ objective is about to conclude the design of  brooch and medal, the brochure creating, way to ordering and distributing.  >> Read more

The Cultural Studies Center organized the maintaining project of the art of Nok King Kra Rha, Thai Northern Dance. Aimed to pass on knowledge to the students, personnel and the others.
Sunday 29 March 2020 / Arts/Cultural

On December 21st, 2019 at Sala Rajamongkol, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna. The Cultural Studies Center organized the project to maintains the art of Nok King Kra Rha, Thai Northern Dance which was honored by Master Sangkham Jangyod to be teacher. The attendees were consisting of the students, personnel and the others who interested to join. Aimed to pass on knowledge, maintain and encourage the value of the cultural arts.   Translated by Niraporn Rattananusar... >> Read more

RMUTL cooperate with Siriraj -TCELS and network partners participate in research on the development of innovative nano dust-mite cloth mask with COVID-19 protection.
Friday 27 March 2020 / Activity News

On March 17, 2020, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University together with the Center of Excellence for sciences  (Public Organization) and partner institute, that is  RMUTL and the Institute of Nuclear Technology by the support of the National Research Office  Ministry of Higher Education, Science  Research and Innovation hold a press conference "Joint Research and Development of Innovative Nano-Masks: Washable Innovative nano-masks to Protect COVID-19" at RMUTL.... >> Read more

RMUTL received a gold coin for World Skills Competitions, Thailand and opportunity to compete in Singapore
Thursday 26 March 2020 / Activity News

Students in Faculty of Engineering, RMUTL crowned champions for the 5th time with the gold coin of the 28th World Skill Competitions in Mechatronic team and the 4th time champions in Mobile robots team. Have the right to be a representative of Thailand to participate in the 13th ASEAN World Skill Competitions in the Republic of Singapore.   Translated by Pornchaya Techapoovanat EIC student/PRD trainee  >> Read more

Meeting to explain the guidelines for research funding management that received the budget by 2020 via system online, Microsoft Teams.
Tuesday 24 March 2020 / Activity News

On March 20, 2020 research and development Institute hosted an online meeting Microsoft Teams led by Asst.Prof. Nopporn Patcharapakiti,  director of research and development Institute. The chair of the meeting clarified the research fund management approach that received the budget in 2020 at meeting room, RMUTL.     Translated by:  Pichet Inkun  EIC Student/ PRD Trainee >> Read more

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