Publish : Tuesday 19 March 2019 By APINYA POOLTRUB จำนวนผู้เข้าชม 574 คน
Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, Phitsanuloke campus set up a creative ritual ceremony known as “Rajamangala the 4th Transplant Rice Seedling Project” on24th June, 2018. There were 600 various interested lecturers, officers and students participated at rice demonstration plot of Plant Science department covering 10 rais.The A1 rice, the variety of rice used in this plot, was proved in the research that there was a significant of pest resistance more than Phitsanuloke 2 and RD 47 varieties. The transplantation area were available in Petchabun, Phichit, Sukhothai and Phitsanuloke with the transplant duration between 100-105 days. The Fishery department cultivated in 400 trays or 320,000 rice seedlings under the “Green Agriculture” policy.
Students learned the transplant rice seedling, farming under the Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) and the ritual ceremony to the goddess of land, water and rice. We believe that welcoming ceremony is an opportunity to start with a good customs from generation to generation that creates a warmth, pride and happiness when students move in to the university lives.
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