Website logo 2024-09-02 | Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna

 Date : 2024-09-02

Meeting with University of Otago, New Zealand
Monday 02 September 2024 / Activity News

On September 2, 2024, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna (RMUTL), by Office of International Relations  held a meeting with representatives from the University of Otago, New Zealand. Mr. Paul Baker, Director of the University of Otago’s Language Centre, and Ms. Jaruwan Pongcharuwat, Director of Education New Zealand from the New Zealand Embassy. The meeting took place at the Sompor Meeting Room, 2nd floor, Office of the President Building, RMUTL. The meeting was chaired via video conference by... >> Read more

Meeting with Lincoln University , New Zealand
Monday 02 September 2024 / Activity News

On September 2, 2024, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna (RMUTL), by Office of International Relations  held a meeting with representatives from the University of Otago, New Zealand. Mr. Paul Baker, Director of the University of Otago’s Language Centre, and Ms. Jaruwan Pongcharuwat, Director of Education New Zealand from the New Zealand Embassy. The meeting took place at the Sompor Meeting Room, 2nd floor, Office of the President Building, RMUTL The meeting was chaired by Assistant Professor... >> Read more

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